Team Stronghold and AGC take on the MCRD Bootcamp Challenge.
Stronghold Engineering along with 173 other AGC members joined together in support of our military to compete in the annual MCRD Bootcamp Challenge on Saturday, October 13. The event which takes place at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego, CA hosts over 1500 participants along a 3-mile obstacle race featuring over 50 obstacles including tunnel crawls, log hurdles, 6 foot vertical climbing walls, cargo net crawls, and push up stations all which are manned by more than 60 Marine drill instructors motivating and encouraging participants throughout the course. Stronghold and the other AGC “Battalions” who showed their support by participating in the event raised $8,250 to contribute to this years programs and services provided by the Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS). After some great results at the 2017 MCRD Bootcamp Challenge, Team SEI comprised of, David Wambugu, Ephraim Wambugu (David Wambugu’s son), Robert Stuart, Robert Stuart Jr. ( Robert Stuart’s son), Evan Miller, Albert Verdin, and Danny Russo came back this year determined to put some of their own on the top finishers list. After an all out effort and every last drip of sweat gone from the body, Team Stronghold once again left their mark on the top challengers list. A big congratulations to Evan Miller who placed 3rd male overall and 2nd in his age division finished with a total time of 21:05. Father and son duo Robert Stuart and Robert Jr. both placed in their respective divisions with Robert Stuart earning the 2nd place division finish and Robert Jr. with a 3rd place division finish. Stronghold is proud to be apart of the AGC family who’s continued support over the last 7 years has raised a total of $76,459 for the Marine Corps Community Services. To learn more about the MCRD Bootcamp Challenge, please visit the link here > https://bootcampchallenge.com/