Travis Air Force Base
Fairfield, Ca
This project called for the removal and replacement of Reservoir 1518 at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, California. The scope of work included the removal of an above-ground circular reinforced concrete reservoir, erection of a new two million gallon circular welded steel reservoir with a concrete ring foundation, replacement of a waterline with an 18-inch diameter line, grading, and related incidental work. An option was awarded on this project which included: removal of the existing fencing and installation of new fencing and gates, construction of a 12-inch storm drain and associated catch basins, installation of a fire hydrant assembly, paving of all asphalt including base course, installation of area lighting including electrical lines and connections, installation of a fluoride injection system, installation of steel tank cathodic protection system, and installation of a reservoir mixing system.
$2.7 Million
October 2009
August 2011
Project Type
Square Footage

“The workmanship was spectacular…The field staff was outstanding. They were very helpful and friendly. Overall, the government enjoyed working with Stronghold. They did a great job on the project.”