Yermo Marine Corps Logistics Base
Barstow, Ca
Stronghold Engineering, Inc. served as the prime contractor for this project that called for the replacement of 16,000 lineal feet of water mains, 27 fire hydrants and tie in domestic water laterals to existing buildings. The project also included five road and railroad bores for placement of water mains.
Some of the many challenges Stronghold encountered during this project were to keep all roads open at all times, constant direction of traffic, moving road bores because of unknown utilities, finding some unknown building tie ins , and keeping existing water mains alive to accommodate new building tie ins.
$2.3 Million
September 2007
February 2008
Project Type
Square Footage

“Contractor finished contract five months ahead of schedule. Contractor’s quality was exceptionally high due to the field supervisor’s knowledge and willingness to go the extra mile. This contractor would be an asset to any construction effort. I highly recommend this contractor for more work.”