The United States Department of the Navy commissioned this project, which replaces the existing underground JP-5 fuel storage tanks at the Naval Auxiliary Landing Field (NALF) on San Clemente Island, CA. The existing tanks were at risk of failure due to the age of the tanks and their proximity to the ocean. The project required the relocation of the existing tanks and the fuel storage facility which would improve fuel receipt, storage, and delivery capabilities for the Navy at San Clemente Island. To accomplish this, Structural Associates Inc., who was awarded the contract, hired Stronghold Engineering Inc. to perform a substantial portion of the project work based on our firm’s extensive previous experience on the Island.
Stronghold’s responsibilities on this project included virtually all electrical work and an extensive amount of excavation, demolition, and HVAC work. Additionally, Stronghold constructed several small buildings on the island including pump rooms, an explosion-proof lab, and construction of two small CMU buildings with wood-framed roofs. Stronghold also managed the fire water storage tank installation.
Work Specific to Environmental Hazards | Policies & Procedures
To relocate the fuel storage facility, the demolition of several underground fuel storage tanks was required. Because the likelihood of PCB-contaminated soils/water was high, Stronghold submitted a detailed environmental protection plan which specifically defined the policies and procedures involved in hazardous waste disposal and storage. Stronghold had a specific Environmental Manager on-site and trained all crew members on best practices to mitigate environmental damage to the island and also how to properly isolate, contain and dispose of any hazardous materials that were encountered.
Stronghold was tasked with:
- Demolition of one 210,000 gallon (794,936 liter) underground fuel storage tank and associated piping
- Demolition of two 26,000 gallon (98,421 liter) underground fuel storage tanks and associated piping
- Removal and closure of truck fill stand
- Relocation of the fuel filter/separator, waste tank, and transfer piping system from the existing site to the new site
To avoid and/or minimize potential impacts to island environmental resources, Stronghold periodically tested site soil, groundwater and any items suspected to be ACMs (asbestos containing material). Crews were specifically trained and instructed on the dangers of PCB exposure along with respirator use, decontamination practices and applicable OSHA and EPA regulations. A Certified Industrial Hygienist (Certified by the American board of industrial Hygiene) certified all training and also reviewed the specific PCB removal plan that was created. Best practices included in our Contaminated Soil Removal Plan included:
- Obtaining advance approval of PCB storage sites
- Notifying the Contracting Officer prior to commencing any removal operations
- Reporting any and all leaks to the Contracting Officer
- Isolating, Containing, and Cleaning Up any spills
- Maintaining an access log of employees working in a PCB control area
- Maintaining a spill kit
- Maintaining consistent records of all inspections, testing, inventory, and spills.
- Fully documenting the method of containment
- Properly decontaminating all vehicles and containers prior to leaving the disposal site.
- Having effluent holding tanks on-site, so water quality can be tested and held prior to discharge
- Disposal of PCB contaminated soils at a TSCA regulated landfill, along with fully documenting this information with proper manifests
- Submission of a remediation close-out report at the completion of our work
Stronghold Engineering was an exceptional team partner on this complex project. Their insight from previous projects on San Clemente Island was invaluable in flattening the learning curve for Structural Associates. They committed the necessary resources to support the project even through numerous schedule disruptions caused by multiple design changes initiated by the Navy on the project. Stronghold is a very professional and fair-minded organization.
William (Bill) Halsey, President Structural Associates, Inc.