Toronto, Canada
Stronghold Engineering, Inc. served as the prime contractor for this project that called for development of commercially-leased office space for a law enforcement hub in Toronto, Canada. The contract called for creating the following areas: public access, controlled and non-controlled access areas, common use and general circulation areas, as well as technical support rooms, including an interface closet and PBX telephone exchange room.
The scope of work included: acoustical ceilings, building insulation, casework, rough carpentry, drywall, gypsum board and metal studs; fiber optic cable and conduit; data, communications and CCTV; HVAC, electrical rough and finish, junction boxes and terminal cabinets; demolition; fire alarm and sprinkler systems installation and additions to meet attenuation requirements; doors, frames & hardware; miscellaneous metals; duct silencers to meet OBO requirements; painting and flooring; electrical conduit, boxes and fittings for alarm panels; and Panduit raceway to allow electrical connection of modular furniture.
$2 Million
Project Type
General Construction
Square Footage