Naval Weapons Station
Seal Beach, Ca
This $1.9 million fast track design-build project consisted of designing and installing 812 Sharp 235 W modules on a new ground-up 3-sided 350’ x 60’ structure to shade cranes use and located at the Naval Weapons Station in Seal Beach, California. This project is part of the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, which aims to reduce carbon footprints through renewable energy. The location of this vehicle canopy structure was in an area occupied on a daily basis by the military necessitating strict coordination for the safety of the user group. This was a key factor to the project’s overall success.
Stronghold installed the PV panels on the structures using a sub bracket mounting system made in America by Prosolar. This light weight, yet very strong, aluminum railing was fastened to the existing structure using a ‘through bolting system’ which provided uniformity for the solar panels to be mounted to the channels. Stronghold installed (2) PVPowered inverters (100kW units) in a blocked enclosure so they would be shaded. By keeping the heat of the sun off of the inverters, it will prolong their working life span.
These systems as a whole are rated at 191 kW DC / 164 kW CEC AC and will generate 261,081 kWh for the first year and 5,743,782 kWh for the 25 year life expectancy of the system.