Author Archives: Stronghold Engineering
Michael Dugal addresses misconceptions in the construction industry
Successful craft professional, Michael Dugal, addresses misconceptions about the construction industry and why training and [...]
Stronghold Presented at the Contractor and Leadership Safety Conference
Our team member, Oscar Lopez, and our Senior Risk Control Consultant from Traveler’s Insurance, Russell [...]
COO, Scott Bailey, honored by Boy Scouts as Distinguished Citizen of the Year
On May 14, 2015 our own Scott Bailey was honored at an awards banquet as [...]
Stronghold Engineering Recognized by American Heart Association as a Platinum Fit-Friendly Worsite
Stronghold Engineering Inc. Recognized as an American Heart Association Fit-Friendly Worksite Worksites take steps to decrease [...]
Stronghold Conquered YMCA Riverside’s Men Who Cook
This weekend our team members conquered YMCA Men Who Cook! Stronghold took the win for [...]
Stronghold was the Safety Subcontractor of the month of November at the Fort Irwin Replacement Hospital
Stronghold Engineering was informed by prime contractor, Turner, that we were the safety subcontractor for [...]
Walk for Hope Los Angeles 2014
Stronghold Engineering is supporting the walk because every year, too many women we love must [...]
Groundbreaking ceremony of Coachella Corporate Yard Solar Carport Project
Stronghold was very proud to speak alongside the City of Coachella Mayor, Eduardo Garcia, and [...]